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‘Got A Match?’ is a demonstration of photographic memory inspired by the classic movie Rain Man.


The story was actually based on a real-life person with amazing mental abilities. One day, he saw a box of matches spill on the floor and simultaneously announced the exact amount. You explain that you have found a way to replicate that experiment.


To begin with, you taught yourself to recognize small patterns of numbers. And after hundred of hours of painstaking discipline (to the undeniable detriment of your social life), you have successfully managed to learn how to estimate increasingly larger amounts of objects.


To demonstrate this, you bring out a pack of ‘training’ cards with photographs of matches printed on both sides and displaying miscellaneous amounts. Six cards are selected at random by the participant and dealt on the table in a column.


While your back is turned, the spectator mixes the cards face up and face down to generate a random amount. When they are done, you instruct them to cover the numbers so that only matches are now visible.


You turn back, have a glance and instantly announce the total amount of matches. The participant adds up the numbers displayed on the cards and confirms you are indeed correct!


  • Instant reset
  • No complex maths
  • Repeatable with different numbers every time
  • Ability to not only guess but also force/predict numbers
  • A simple yet fooling principle you will learn in seconds!
  • Comes with 4 self-working routines (including a book test)

Got A Match?

    • Bridge size
    • 36 cards (+download)
    • 17-page instruction manual


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